Science and Near Death Experience
In the fall of 2003, The Learning Channel aired a non-copyright brand new British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) production about NDEs ... all » entitled The Day I Died. IANDS Board members were immediately and powerfully impressed with the quality of the 45-minute program. It showed two in-depth case studies of NDErs—one in the U.K., the other in the U.S.; depicted the two most recent prospective NDE research studies—one in the U.K., the other in the Netherlands; interviewed the most outstanding NDE researchers worldwide; presented both skeptical and “believer” perspectives; and reenacted the most compelling case of veridical (verifiably accurate) perception in an NDE during radical surgery for a brain aneurysm. The production was completely up-to-date and covered virtually everything an inquiring mind needed for an informed and balanced introduction to the phenomenon of NDEs. In short, most, if not all, Board members considered it the best NDE production made to date—very close to “the ultimate NDE video.”
Healing och hemresa....
Tack alla ni som deltog i healingen igår.
Jag måste ju berättade att Paddan deltog med liv och lust och var riktigt
exalterad. Han anlände strax innan ...
for én dag siden
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